Bacon Rind Ridge

Bacon Rind Ridge


Traveled in the southern Bacon Rind area for a few laps today. On average found ~11cm HST over a boot supportable MFcr. Near ridgetops found areas as deep as 22 cm. No signs of wind slabs, but did some see textured surfaces and a little bit of actively blowing snow. Winds were generally calm with periods of light to moderate gusts from the NW. Snow did consolidate and get heavy throughout the day but never reached the threshold for wet loose slides. We exited the field around 4:00 and slopes that received direct sunshine were forming a slight surface crust. Northerly shaded slopes still held cold dry snow.

Dug a quick pit where there was less HST:

E 8150' HS = 75cm




MFcr P-


Large MFs springlike snow F-

Location (from list)
Bacon Rind
Observer Name
Andy Harrington