Wet Loose evidence in Banana Couloir

Wet Loose evidence in Banana Couloir


Skied Banana Couloir yesterday off of Ross Peak in the Bridgers. On our approach the sun was intense and quickly saturated the upper snowpack. In the sun and out of the wind the air temperature was probably around 50 degrees fahrenheit. When skinning over small hills we were able to get the top 2-3 inches of snow to slide on the thick crust below which made us concerned about a possible wet slab issue. We got one to slide the full length of a small hill, about 25 feet. 

The clouds rolled in, temps dropped, and the saturated snow on top strengthened  and resolidified. Booting up the Banana Couloir we saw some debris from a small wet loose slide and large pin wheels that had happened earlier when the sun was out. When we got back to the car we noticed that a lot of snow at lower elevations had melted out in the sun that day. 

Bridger Range
Location (from list)
Ross Peak
Observer Name
Connor Culver