Snowpit Blackmore Shoulder

Snowpit Blackmore Shoulder


We dug a snow pit on an E facing slope NTL and found a non-reactive, layered snowpack. We got a score of 22 on our ECT with no propagation on what is presumably a new-old snow interface, where the newer snow was on top of wind effected older snow. We did no other tests. 

We also found a thin to medium wind crust (1-5cm) on east and northerly slopes ATL. Our descent took us down the SE face and off the opposite shoulder from our snow pit down a north-facing chute. There was an obvious wind effect on the snow surface and we found the same wind crust/slab. Upon a ski cut, I released a very small slab that entrain a decent about of snow by the time it stopped ~600 vert. feet lower. It was the thin wind slab sliding on softer snow underneath. There was an already reported, similar avalanche from the same day higher on the face of Blackmore that ran a bit further and bigger. It seems like it had pretty much the same characteristics. 

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Mt Blackmore
Observer Name
Wyatt Gober