West of Sawtelle Peak

West of Sawtelle Peak


Surface was boiler plate leaving Island Park. We rode up high to the ridge (9200’) to the west of Sawtelle Peak and dug on a NE facing slope, 9,200', 6' of snow on the ground. Weak, sugary snow is on the surface (near-surface facet) and the main issue with the new snow. The new snow won't stick to the old surface and avalanches will be likely. Sugary depth hoar facets are still felt in the bottom 40 cm but it’s stable for now. Snowpack is very similar to Lionhead. Danger is Low today, but when the new snow arrives through the weekend the avalanche danger will rise.  I imagine it will not bond on many slopes and it will not be obvious where the NSF will be buried.  Tomorrow will be vastly different than today.

Island Park
Location (from list)
Sawtelle Peak
Observer Name
Doug Chabot, GNFAC forecaster