Mission Creek

Mission Creek


We went on a tour Saturday to climb and ski the pitchfork in mission creek. We dug a pit on the apron (6800 on a E aspect) about 4 feet down and found good, right side up snow with no layers. We also dug a pit at the top (8800 on a NE aspect) and found similar conditions while looking at a 5 foot column. We had a collapse on an old crust layer roughly 4 feet down, but no propagation. The storm from earlier last week really did justice in the Absorokas, the winds must have been pretty interesting that week as I observed numerous routes that aren’t usually in. Overall, pretty stable snowpack for the area/range. I heard almost identical conditions on nearby elephant head. And lastly, thanks for another year of keeping our community safe and in check! 

Out of Advisory Area
Observer Name
Tommy S