
Displaying page 42 of photos 821 - 826 of 826
Northern Gallatin, 2023-11-03

From obs (10/29): "Went for a skin up to Hyalite Peak yesterday to check out snow conditions. We found about 8-12 inches of new snow sitting on a base at Hyalite Lake. We saw no signs of instability in the area. Small cornices were observed on the Hyalite saddle, and a hit or miss 1 inch wind slab directly below the ridge." Photo: T. Saulnier

Out of Advisory Area, 2023-10-24

From IG: “Pine creek today, some small wind slabs and a full depth wet slide off black mountain”

Link to Avalanche Details
Out of Advisory Area, 2023-10-24

From IG: “Pine creek today (10/21), some small wind slabs and a full depth wet slide off black mountain”

Link to Avalanche Details
Northern Gallatin, 2023-10-24

From obs. "Was out alpine climbing today and observed the north face of Blackmore had slid already."

Link to Avalanche Details
Out of Advisory Area, 2023-10-14

From obs (10/14/23): "Three clear storm layers and wind effect piling up larger drifts. Snow height at 9k ft averaged 85-90cm..." Photo: O. Robinson

Bridger Range, 2023-10-03

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