From obs 2/20/24: "On the drive up Bridger canyon this morning we noticed an avalanche on an east-northeast facing slope at the ridge near Bridger peak that was not previously noted or reported. Likely natural, possibly happened overnight or yesterday, but maybe earlier and went unnoticed? It looked 1-2’ deep with rocks showing through parts of the bed surface.... Debris did not appear to make it all the way down the chute to flatter runout. But, light was not great and all dimensions were difficult to confirm."
On 2/21 we drove up to look at the slide through binoculars. The slide broke full width of the starting zone and obviously ran to the bottom of the path, although the debris was not visible. Measured on gps, the slide is 300-450' wide
Slide was noticed by a member of BBSP on Monday 2/19, and likely happened on 2/18 or late 2/17.